Over the course of my time in the wind industry, blade installation has always been a time of heightened emotions, peak exposure, and critical reliance on riggers manning taglines in the field. They are, quite literally, the lifelines of these installations. There have been times when everything has gone perfectly, but there have also been times when winds have unexpectedly picked up, leading to close calls, high tension, and undoubtedly a few gray hairs.
As a specialized crane consultant in the renewable energy market, I am always intrigued by ways to make installations safer, more efficient, and cheaper. Looking at the primary methods we use to install wind turbine components in the U.S., one aspect seems to have fallen behind the curve:the use of taglines by manned personnel.
I recently had the pleasure of learning about Seasight Solutions' APS (Autonomous Positioning System), a technology specifically designed to align wind turbine components without the need for taglines. Given the system's use cases, data, and proven track record in Europe, it raises the question of whywe are not utilizing similar systems more widely in the U.S. wind market?
Seasight Solutions' APS (Autonomous Positioning System) is what you could call the next generation in lifting safety, while increasing efficiency at a reduced cost. Seems too good to be true? Let's dive into a few details that stood out to me, and then you can decide for yourself.
Increasing safety and reducing risk are the most important objectives when planning and executing the construction of wind turbines.Seasight Solutions' APS system is designed with redundancy on all systems, allowing contractors to significantly enhance safety, minimize human error, and eliminate the exposure associated with traditional taglines.
The APS system is developed to increase the safety of lifting operations as a whole by providing reliable and accurate remote control of loads up to 250 meters away, instantaneous response to wind changes, and the capability to hand over control to up-tower personnel via remote during the critical final moments of the installation approach.
Gone are the days of teams of four to six men, a forklift, or a capstan operating in unmanaged fields or crops (if you're lucky enough to avoid mountainous terrain), dangling at the end of 600-800 feet of rope that carries the risks of injury, response time delays, and human error. No longer will we face ineffective tagline placement, sprained ankles, and the high stress of doing the impossible: perfectly anticipating and accounting for Mother Nature's next move.
UtilizingSeasight Solutions' APSsystem allows for the removal of a few thorns that we experience in wind farm construction: chasing extremely tight wind windows, low visibility as winter months approach, and the unpredictability associated with project timelines.
The APS system allows contractors to take advantage of and overcome some of these challenges. It has the capability to install components in wind speeds up to 14 m/s, during inclement weather such as fog or snow, allowing construction projects to progress outside of the strict confines we are currently forced to navigate and have settled with as the norm.
Another major advantage it provides is the capability to hold components in a true position from the time they are lifted from the ground to connection. This removes both the tagline teams' tug-of-war against one another as well as the slow feed-out associated with taglines as components are hoisted up.
Think back: how many times have you had a main crane parked at a turbine waiting for wind on borderline days, tagline teams battling one another, or those close calls due to human error and delayed responses that cause gray hairs or, in my case, hair loss? If we're being honest with ourselves, we have all experienced these three thorns at one time or another, or all at once.Fortunately, I believe the APS system serves as aremedyfor some of these issues and has the potential to alleviate the pressure we face when project completion dates are at risk of delay.
"A trusted OEM who is currently utilizing Seasight Solutions’ APS system in Europe reported that their installations have seen an increase in production time over the lifecycle of a project, saving them a total of 2.8 days of installation per turbine."
Improving safety and increasing production undoubtedly caught my attention, but there's also icing on this cake: decreased costs and increased profit. How, you ask?
The main crane cost calculator never stops ticking, and actually ticks louder when weather delays start to add up. Let's be real, there are times when Mother Nature inevitably wins, but imagine if there was a possibility to have an advantage on those borderline days and the huge difference that could make on a project timeline. Increased production of WTGs installed with a reduction in the number of manpower required on the ground stands as a huge benefactor when considering cost savings.
That's not all; the improvements in production also open opportunities for early project completion as well as early generation bonuses. By being able to mitigate the amount of unforeseen weather delays, it allows projects to more accurately estimate CMII forecasts and reduces the cost volatility involved in project planning.
With every project, there are significant costs associated with cranes and installation, as well as other factors such as hardstand construction, negotiations with local landowners regarding forklift damage to fields, crop damage, fence replacement, and tree damage. Seasight Solutions' APS system reduces the required hardstand size and eliminates the need to negotiate with and pay landowners for these occurrences.
In closing,I'd like to provide you with a stark reminder...The wind industry, as vast and large as it is, requires innovative solutions that exceed the norms and standard processes that we are accustomed to. As crane contractors and BOP providers of wind farms, I feel it is ourresponsibilityto implement these innovations, try them out, and improve the work that we do on multiple fronts. I also feel it's ourresponsibilityto bring innovation, out-of-the-box thinking, and stand out from the crowd when it comes to how we execute our work, keep our employees' safety at the forefront of everything we do, and more accurately forecast our production schedule.
Let that sink in. Imagine as a crane contractor or BOP, you were able to present these added bonuses in your offering to wind farm developers and EPCs. Would that not allow you to stand out from the crowd?
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